IN BRIONY RAYMOND’S Upper East Side atelier, the décor is as extravagant as the jeweler’s designs: custom Marine Toile-patterned Schumacher drapes flank a large window, there are George III chairs upholstered with pale blue leather and two rows of Baccarat champagne flutes rest on a sterling silver tray. But among […]

There are two types of people in the summer: those who cut off all their hair into a super-short style, like a bob haircut, and those who keep it long and embrace their inner mermaid the entire season. If you fall into the latter category, you’re going to love the […]

ANDERSON, Ind. — An Anderson woman is passing along the success of her business to benefit others. But she is not just giving things away. Malia Songer, owner of Foreverbowens, has started a new drive for prom. You can help by donating items. Songer says she is constantly holding fundraisers […]

What, exactly, constitutes “Gen Z style”? It’s a tricky thing to pin down, and that’s mainly because eclecticism and individualism are so key to the generation’s aesthetic preferences, as are TikTok, K-pop, slang millennials may never understand (is “cheugy” still a thing?) and a general rejection of the gender binary. That’s […]