What is ylang ylang and how does it work?

Essential oils such as ylang ylang have a variety of traditional uses, which may be of interest if you’re looking to try natural remedies instead of, or to supplement, medication. 

From reducing stress and boosting your mood to relieving head- and stomach aches, incorporating ylang ylang and other essential oils in your health or skincare routine can prevent or treat several types of conditions. It is, however, important to be sure to use this oil correctly in order to optimize its natural benefits.

What is ylang ylang?

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Lockdown makes humble flip-flop summer’s high-fashion hit | Fashion

Thu Jun 10 , 2021
Flip-flops have long been a staple of heatwaves, found everywhere from beaches to barbecues. But, in 2021, the humble footwear – which can cost as little as £5 – are set to be fashion’s shoe of the summer. Flip-flops featured in the collections of high-fashion brands usually associated with high […]
Lockdown makes humble flip-flop summer’s high-fashion hit | Fashion

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