A couple from Tamil Nadu is all set to host their wedding reception in Metaverse. Dinesh S P and Janaganandhini Ramaswamy will get married on the first Sunday on February in Tamil Nadu’s Sivalingapuram village – but their reception will be hosted digitally. After the wedding ceremony, the couple will switch on their laptops to enter a virtual venue for their Hogwarts-themed reception, which will be attended by friends and family members from across the world, reports Times of India.
“I came up with the idea of having a Metaverse wedding reception, and my fiancee also liked the idea,” Dinesh, who is a project associate with IIT Madras, told TOI. “I have been into crypto and blockchain technology, and have been mining ethereum, a form of cryptocurrency, for the last one year. Since blockchain is the basic technology of Metaverse, when my wedding was fixed, I thought of having a reception in Metaverse,” he added.
Metaverse is a virtual reality world where users can ‘live’ and interact with others through digital avatars. It combines multiple elements of technology like augmented reality, blockchain and virtual reality.
On Twitter, Dinesh shared a short video to show what his upcoming wedding reception would look like, touting it as “India’s first Metaverse marriage.”
I feel so proud and blessed that I have seen and taken advantage of many great opportunities in this world before millions of people have seen them, Beginning of something big! India’s first #metaverse marriage in Polygon blockchain collaborated with TardiVerse Metaverse startup. pic.twitter.com/jTivLSwjV4
— Dinesh Kshatriyan ???? (@kshatriyan2811) January 11, 2022
Dinesh’s fiancee, Janaganandhini, was “thrilled” with the idea of a virtual reception. “It’s apt in a way as we met on Instagram and will be having our wedding reception on Meta,” she said.
Since both Dinesh and Janaganandhini are Potterheads, their wedding reception will be inspired from the Harry Potter universe. The bride and groom will have avatars dressed in traditional clothes, while guests will be given login details where they can choose an avatar and enter the reception. During the one-hour reception, they will be able to interact with other guests.
To turn their idea of a Metaverse reception into reality, Dinesh approached Vignesh Selvaraj of TardiVerse – a “new gen mixed reality based Metaverse powered by Blockchain tech”.
Not only will guests at the virtual reception be able to interact with the bride and groom, they will also be able to give them gifts. “We are accepting marriage gifts via Metaverse,” said Dinesh. “Guests can transfer gift vouchers, or Google Pay, and we are also accepting cryptos as gift.”
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