An unusual wedding drama shared on Reddit has elicited more than 3,500 reactions, with a bride asking others on the platform if she was wrong for leaving her own wedding reception in reaction to a “tantrum” thrown by her new sister-in-law — who apparently didn’t want the couple to leave […]
ASHGABAT — In Turkmenistan, women are no longer allowed to wear “tight-fitting” clothes, dye their hair, or use beauty accessories such as false nails or eyelashes. In a new, Taliban-style ban, traffic police in Turkmenistan also now prohibit male drivers of private vehicles from picking up women unless they are […]
A young Australian woman who battled ‘severe’ cystic acne for five years has revealed how she cleared her skin within six months with the help of three ‘miracle’ products’. Monique swapped out all of the ‘expensive’ skincare she used to rely on, and replaced her moisturisers and serums with three […]